My sincere thanks to all posters - with few exceptions, the response has been pretty damning! I can clearly see that my thinking has needed a bit of readjusting!
Steve Hassan's highly recommended second book, 'Releasing the Bonds' (via Amazon.UK) arrived. His earlier work should appear today. Skimming through it, it looks like there are a lot of helpful suggestions that Ill be able to utilise to help her - I know that my wife has already glanced through it herself.
It has been interesting, and heartening, to pick up on several of your suggestions that my wife is 'almost already out by her own attitude towards rules that she clearly disobeys, or choses to ignore. I really hadn't fully appreciated the significance of this fact.
Let me clarify a few points, though, to some posters of what I thought I'd clearly conveyed in posting the original request for comments. Perhaps my wording wasn't too clear - if so, I wholeheartedly apologize:
- It would never ever be my intention to write to the local elders behind my wife's back - I'd show her a draft of any letter first. This would be bound to spark an interesting, 'what if I was to actually go ahead and submit something like this' moment?
- I'd never dream of resorting to write incognito - that's nasty! As I chose the difficult option to DA and not fade, you can probably guess that I'm not the type of person that is afraid to speak out in an open, frank manner!
It might surprise a few of you to know, that in the case of my DA letter, I asked my wife to read the draft over and provide any constructive comments - which she willingly did, making a few good suggestions - prior to submitting it.
Just for the record, it had ocurred to me that any JC action taken against my wife to try and compel her to never speak with the boys again might be a dangerous, alienating move, however, I just know that that would be a futile exercise on their part - she'd never go along with that! So, this factor was never going to be an issue. On the other hand, as far as JWs pressure tactics are concerned, maybe this just could blow up and cause serious difficulties that I've never factored in to my suggestion. However, this is purely academic, as on balance, I propose not write any letter.
I'll 'simmer down', rely on common sense, and start implementing the advice Steve Hasan has to offer - I haven't heard any negative comments about his ideas on this, or any other, websites designed to help former JWs free their loved ones from the tyranny of the WTS!
Thank you all!